Christen is having a rough time at the hospital. The fever seems to be gone, but the nausea is back making her feel terrible. She really needs to be able to rest. Her blood count numbers are still very low so it doesn't look like she will be able to go home any time soon.
Since she is having such a rough time we request that no one call on the hospital phone. If you need to speak with Debbie please call her cell phone and leave a message and she will get back with you. If you need to ask a question or coordinate something you can also call my cell phone. Also, we need to keep visitors to a minimum so that she can get as much rest as possible and get home soon.
Please pray. Everyone is feeling pretty low right now. Pray that we will keep our eyes on Jesus.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Up and Down
Christen will have to be in the hospital until at least Friday, and depending on how her blood count numbers are she may have to stay for 10 days to complete an antibiotic regimen. The nausea also returned in force today. :-( Two bits of bad news in one day. We continue to learn to expect the unexpected.
Steve & Debbie
Steve & Debbie
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
On the way back to UVA
This evening Debbie and Christen are on the way back to UVA because Christen has a fever, and her white blood cell count is so low. Please pray for them to be safe on the road and that Christen will be able get over this fever very soon. The nurse told Debbie to be prepared to be in the hospital for a few days.
She also is losing more hair. Please lift her up in prayer.
Steve & Debbie
She also is losing more hair. Please lift her up in prayer.
Steve & Debbie
Day by Day
Christen has had some good days as well as difficult ones. We praise God for His gracious answer to prayer in taking away her nausea. Friday evening she was craving a burger from Burger King which her brother promptly made sure she had. I was surprised it stayed down. Saturday morning we were still trying out different medicine options to relieve the nausea. After talking with the doctor, we stopped the previous medicines and he ordered a new one. By Saturday evening, she was able to enjoy a very nice dinner complete with dessert! Sunday morning she really wanted to go to church and was able to be back to being more of her old self. She also was able to attend evening youth group. We really thank God for renewed strength!
As usual, every new day can be very different. Monday morning's blood counts were quite low with the white cell count being extremely low. Each day is like sitting on the rail of a fence---it could go either way. The verses in James 4:13-15 have really been highlighted in our lives. "Come now, you who say, 'Today or tomorrow we will go to such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit'; whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Instead you ought to say, 'If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.'" Each new day could be spent here at home or at UVA hospital. At least God knows which, and we can rest in His plan which is unknown to us.
Continue to pray with us that the cancer will respond well to the chemo, shrinking the tumor. The tumor seems to be really "sticking out," sort of like having a nice sized baked potato sitting under your skin with swelling around it. As it originated inside the bone, what we can see/feel is only part of it. At our very first doctor's appointment on Dec. 14th, there was no outward manifestation of the tumor nor could it be felt. As the bone is weak there, pray that it will be protected from further damage.
Christen could really use prayer for encouragement from the Lord, also, as her hair is starting to show the effects of the chemo. It's one thing to know what's coming (that's hard enough); it's another thing to see it happening.
A huge thanks to all of you for your continued support, love and prayers.
You are in our thoughts and prayers continually, as well.
Debbie and Steve and family
As usual, every new day can be very different. Monday morning's blood counts were quite low with the white cell count being extremely low. Each day is like sitting on the rail of a fence---it could go either way. The verses in James 4:13-15 have really been highlighted in our lives. "Come now, you who say, 'Today or tomorrow we will go to such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit'; whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Instead you ought to say, 'If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.'" Each new day could be spent here at home or at UVA hospital. At least God knows which, and we can rest in His plan which is unknown to us.
Continue to pray with us that the cancer will respond well to the chemo, shrinking the tumor. The tumor seems to be really "sticking out," sort of like having a nice sized baked potato sitting under your skin with swelling around it. As it originated inside the bone, what we can see/feel is only part of it. At our very first doctor's appointment on Dec. 14th, there was no outward manifestation of the tumor nor could it be felt. As the bone is weak there, pray that it will be protected from further damage.
Christen could really use prayer for encouragement from the Lord, also, as her hair is starting to show the effects of the chemo. It's one thing to know what's coming (that's hard enough); it's another thing to see it happening.
A huge thanks to all of you for your continued support, love and prayers.
You are in our thoughts and prayers continually, as well.
Debbie and Steve and family
Saturday, January 26, 2008
One Month Complete
It was a month ago today that Christen found out about her osteosarcoma. The time before the cancer feels like a different life in so many ways for all of us. Cancer turns your world upside down. And yet we have seen some amazing things in the last month, not the least of which has been the way you all have rallied around us to provide much needed support. Words can't even begin to express how much that means to each of us. We want you to know this even though we haven't been able to speak with each of you in person. We have been so very busy that there are many phone calls that we have wanted to make, but simply have not had enough time.
We were able to get a "new to us" mini-van which will be much more comfortable for Christen on her trips to and from the hospital over the next year. Thanks to God for providing it for us. He has provided just what we have needed at the right times. We have been very blessed to be surrounded by wonderful folks who have been the hands and feet of Jesus in our lives through these difficult days.
Christen is still feeling nauseated today and is very discouraged about it. She wants to feel better but just has not been able to do so. We are all learning about chemo and a variety of new/different issues keep cropping up which require us to learn something else about caring for someone having chemo-therapy. We are growing in our understanding through first hand experience why it is that those who have been through this before feel so deeply about what Christen is experiencing. It is difficult, and there is no away around it. But it is during these times when we get to see God at work in a special way, and our hearts are more open to what He is doing. Suffering is a strange thing. It is so difficult, and yet it through God brings about so much good. Who wants to endure it, or who would choose it? Yet, our loving Father knows that we need it, and just how to use it in each of our lives. May we trust that He knows what is best for each one us.
Christen's central line has started to develop an infection (it seems) at the entry point. The doctor said to watch it closely. Please pray that the redness will clear up. If it becomes worse she will need go back to UVA to have it treated. An item of praise is that Christen has been 2 days straight without actually throwing up, in spite of the nausea!!
We have started a web photo album at with some pictures we have taken along the way of some of the lighter moments that we have enjoyed. Enjoy. We'll be adding more to it as time passes.
Steve & Debbie
We were able to get a "new to us" mini-van which will be much more comfortable for Christen on her trips to and from the hospital over the next year. Thanks to God for providing it for us. He has provided just what we have needed at the right times. We have been very blessed to be surrounded by wonderful folks who have been the hands and feet of Jesus in our lives through these difficult days.
Christen is still feeling nauseated today and is very discouraged about it. She wants to feel better but just has not been able to do so. We are all learning about chemo and a variety of new/different issues keep cropping up which require us to learn something else about caring for someone having chemo-therapy. We are growing in our understanding through first hand experience why it is that those who have been through this before feel so deeply about what Christen is experiencing. It is difficult, and there is no away around it. But it is during these times when we get to see God at work in a special way, and our hearts are more open to what He is doing. Suffering is a strange thing. It is so difficult, and yet it through God brings about so much good. Who wants to endure it, or who would choose it? Yet, our loving Father knows that we need it, and just how to use it in each of our lives. May we trust that He knows what is best for each one us.
Christen's central line has started to develop an infection (it seems) at the entry point. The doctor said to watch it closely. Please pray that the redness will clear up. If it becomes worse she will need go back to UVA to have it treated. An item of praise is that Christen has been 2 days straight without actually throwing up, in spite of the nausea!!
We have started a web photo album at with some pictures we have taken along the way of some of the lighter moments that we have enjoyed. Enjoy. We'll be adding more to it as time passes.
Steve & Debbie
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Still wrestling with nausea
Christen's nausea is turning out to be a significant hurdle to get over. She has still felt so today, but we are making strides in understanding how to better manage it. She had Abigail, Sima, Ellie, and Sima's mother as visitors today and they each took their turn in helping Christen. Thanks to each one for taking time out of their busy day to stop by. Christen really appreciated it.
Please continue to pray that Christen will finally get over the nausea.
Steve & Debbie
Please continue to pray that Christen will finally get over the nausea.
Steve & Debbie
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Improvement continues
Praise God Christen seems to be past the worst of the nausea. Thank you so much for praying for her. She has had very difficult week, but thankfully the worst seems to be over. Shea and Abigail visited with her this evening which gave her a nice change of pace.
Please continue to lift us up before the throne, that we will all have the strength (both physically and emotionally) to face these trials. Debbie had a very busy day today at home just trying to recover from being gone so much recently, and managing Christen's care. She was very tired this evening, but thankfully she was able to get to bed early for a change (very rare event these days).
All the other kids seem to be doing well.
Our main refrigerator is down, but thankfully we do have a backup until it can be repaired.
Steve & Debbie
Please continue to lift us up before the throne, that we will all have the strength (both physically and emotionally) to face these trials. Debbie had a very busy day today at home just trying to recover from being gone so much recently, and managing Christen's care. She was very tired this evening, but thankfully she was able to get to bed early for a change (very rare event these days).
All the other kids seem to be doing well.
Our main refrigerator is down, but thankfully we do have a backup until it can be repaired.
Steve & Debbie
We are all home
Christen returned home yesterday evening. Sometimes the emotional aspects of the transitions are the most difficult, which was the case yesterday. The nausea is still lurking, so please continue to pray about that. The home health nurse came by yesterday and showed us how to administer her medications through the central line, so we have some new tools in the toolbox to help Christen through these days.
We also came home to a broken refrigerator. We will call Sears today to get someone to repair it. Pray that they will come quickly.
Thanks to all for your prayers and support.
Steve & Debbie
We also came home to a broken refrigerator. We will call Sears today to get someone to repair it. Pray that they will come quickly.
Thanks to all for your prayers and support.
Steve & Debbie
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Home today??
Hopefully Christen will be able to leave this afternoon from UVA. They are being cautious about letting us go this time. She is sleeping now, and her nausea has been back some today.
Steve is able to work on his laptop from the room today while we wait.
Steve & Debbie
Steve is able to work on his laptop from the room today while we wait.
Steve & Debbie
Monday, January 21, 2008
Christen is much better!!!!
Christen is joking, smiling, and enjoying her company this evening. Who wouldn't enjoy Megan and Louie :-). Praise God for that!! Just 30 hours ago she was feeling absolutely horrible. The difference could hardly be greater. She was able to talk with her Grandmother on the phone this afternoon. She still has a little bit of nausea, but it is much less of a problem.
Kurt, thanks for giving up your darling this afternoon! We enjoyed her, and even wondered where she came from ;-).
Christen will spend the night in the hospital tonight and should be able to return home tomorrow. Please pray that the weather doesn't pose any travel problems for us, and that Debbie will be able to sleep well tonight.
God continues to uphold us in His hands, even through the trials, pain, upheaval and uncertainty. Your prayers are so very important to us right now. We couldn't make it without God. Thanks to everyone for being so helpful to us and loving our children, even on the spur of the moment. We miss them!!!
Steve & Debbie
Kurt, thanks for giving up your darling this afternoon! We enjoyed her, and even wondered where she came from ;-).
Christen will spend the night in the hospital tonight and should be able to return home tomorrow. Please pray that the weather doesn't pose any travel problems for us, and that Debbie will be able to sleep well tonight.
God continues to uphold us in His hands, even through the trials, pain, upheaval and uncertainty. Your prayers are so very important to us right now. We couldn't make it without God. Thanks to everyone for being so helpful to us and loving our children, even on the spur of the moment. We miss them!!!
Steve & Debbie
Monday 01/21/08
Christen is resting comfortably in the hospital at UVA this morning. She will remain in the hospital until tomorrow. They expect her to improve a lot today. Pray that the nausea will go away, and that she could be awake and alert.
Steve & Debbie
Steve & Debbie
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Sunday Evening
Christen is still nauseous but should be able to fall off to sleep soon. It has been a really rough day for her. The doctor said next time they will send us home with IV fluids and medications so we should be able to manage the nausea better next time.
Louie, Rebecca, and Laura all visited this evening, which gave her a little bit of distraction.
Steve & Debbie
Louie, Rebecca, and Laura all visited this evening, which gave her a little bit of distraction.
Steve & Debbie
Expect the Unexpected
Christen is back in the hospital today. The nausea was keeping her from consuming enough fluid to get the cisplatin out of her system, so they re-admitted her in order to hydrate her via the central line. The trip down was miserable for her, but she is in the room now and they have given her anti-nausea medicine via the central line. Thankfully she doesn't have to put anything else in her stomach right now. The Dr. thinks she will be much better by tomorrow once the fluid and medicine have had time to work. Please keep her in your prayers.
Steve & Debbie
Steve & Debbie
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Difficult Day
Christen is having a very difficult day with nausea. She could really use your prayers. Everything she has eaten has come back up. We had to call the doctor to get an additional medicine which she was able to keep down after the second try. Thankfully she is sleeping now.
Steve & Debbie
Steve & Debbie
Friday, January 18, 2008
Back home after first chemo treatment
Christen and Debbie are back home after completing the first chemo treatment. Christen is not feeling well this evening, and is very discouraged. She could use a special round of prayer right about now. The reality of what we are going to be doing for the next 10 months is setting in. Feeling absolutely terrible for 10 months is not a pleasant thought.
All the kids had a good time at their respective homes. Thanks to all the families for helping us out.
The next chemo treatment will start the first full week of February. Pray that Christen will be able to recover soon from this round and return to some semblance of normal life before the next treatment.
Today Debbie and I celebrate our 16th anniversary. We give thanks to God for each other and the privilege of journeying together in life.
Steve & Debbie for the family
All the kids had a good time at their respective homes. Thanks to all the families for helping us out.
The next chemo treatment will start the first full week of February. Pray that Christen will be able to recover soon from this round and return to some semblance of normal life before the next treatment.
Today Debbie and I celebrate our 16th anniversary. We give thanks to God for each other and the privilege of journeying together in life.
Steve & Debbie for the family
Thursday, January 17, 2008
1st Chemo Treatment Complete
Today is our third day of chemo. Christen did fairly well until about 3:30 when she threw up. After that, the nurse dosed her up on zofran, ativan and compazine with benadryl. It's 4:35 and she's sleeping soundly. Medicines and those who know how to use them are gifts from God. Amazingly, inspite of the fact that she has gained over 10 pounds in hydration fluids in less than 3 days, I noticed early this evening that her "bad" knee has quite noticeably shrunk! That must explain why she no longer complains of the pain there and managing the pain level is no longer the big issue! Does chemo really work that fast?! Thank you, God. Now, keeping the nausea under control will be an issue. Christen is scheduled to have two weeks off before coming back for three weeks in a row.
Cancer, the dreaded word. Something no one wants, yet something many do experience; and something which we have no choice over except for the choice of trust or despair. I was given an excellent little devotional book from a dear friend, Jennifer. The title is "Strength for the Climb" and is written by Kristen Armstrong. One entry is titled "Calling All Control Freaks." Under it, Kristen says, "Trust means letting go...It is a grand release of control, returning the reins to the only One who knows the way home." How beautifully put! I just love the way she stated that. It reminds me of when my sister and I would ride our horses out a number of miles from where we kept them, and sometimes we wouldn't begin our return until dusk. When it became dark enough that we could no longer see the path, we would give them full rein, hold on tight with our heads pressed low against their neck and shoulder, and let them go. They would take off at full speed. It was too dark for us to see, but they knew the way home. It was a dangerous ride with branches whipping 0verhead, but they always got us back safely. How much more so with God!!!! We must hold tight and give Him full trust. There really is no other choice. He WILL bring us safely home. He DOES have our good in mind. He IS filled with love and concern for the well being of His children.
Tomorrow we should be allowed to go home :-)! We are looking forward to being back together as a family. How will we ever thank all who are helping us in SO MANY ways?!! Our story would be so different if it were not for all of you out there.
Blessings to all of you dear ones,
Debbie for the Family
Cancer, the dreaded word. Something no one wants, yet something many do experience; and something which we have no choice over except for the choice of trust or despair. I was given an excellent little devotional book from a dear friend, Jennifer. The title is "Strength for the Climb" and is written by Kristen Armstrong. One entry is titled "Calling All Control Freaks." Under it, Kristen says, "Trust means letting go...It is a grand release of control, returning the reins to the only One who knows the way home." How beautifully put! I just love the way she stated that. It reminds me of when my sister and I would ride our horses out a number of miles from where we kept them, and sometimes we wouldn't begin our return until dusk. When it became dark enough that we could no longer see the path, we would give them full rein, hold on tight with our heads pressed low against their neck and shoulder, and let them go. They would take off at full speed. It was too dark for us to see, but they knew the way home. It was a dangerous ride with branches whipping 0verhead, but they always got us back safely. How much more so with God!!!! We must hold tight and give Him full trust. There really is no other choice. He WILL bring us safely home. He DOES have our good in mind. He IS filled with love and concern for the well being of His children.
Tomorrow we should be allowed to go home :-)! We are looking forward to being back together as a family. How will we ever thank all who are helping us in SO MANY ways?!! Our story would be so different if it were not for all of you out there.
Blessings to all of you dear ones,
Debbie for the Family
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
24+ Hours of chemo completed

Thanks for your prayers. Christen's pain level in her knee has decreased substantially and the nausea is being managed through heavy medication. She slept almost all day with exception of about 45 minutes this evening. She is sleeping again now. She is not looking forward to 10 months of this, and was feeling discouraged about it this evening. Her face is a bit swollen, possibly due to the extra hydration fluid and/or the steroids she has been receiving. They are monitoring this.
She will be getting another round of cisplatinum tonight from 10 PM to 2 AM, all the while receiving the slow doxyrubicin drip which ends tomorrow night at 7:30 PM. Then she will have another 12 hours of hydration, and then we should be able to go home if she can keep down fluids and food.
Pray that Leanne can go home soon. She had a set back today so will have to stay a little longer. Also pray that her roommate will sleep quietly tonight so she can rest.
Please keep praying for peace of mind for the rest of our children. Pray also that Debbie will be able to get a good rest tonight. Last night she was up at least once every hour. We do thank God for giving us a private room thus far.
Thanks to Bob and Jane, and Louie, Ben and Megan for visiting Christen today. It meant a lot to her even though she couldn't visit with them. Thanks to all of you for your concern, love, and prayers. You all have been such an encouragement to us.
"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28. We give praise to God that even though we don't understand all that He is doing, we do know that He is faithful, and He is doing a good thing.
Steve & Debbie for the family
Prayer needed
Christen is having a rough time with nausea and is extremely tired. Please pray for her.
Steve & Debbie
Steve & Debbie
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
A Surprise!!!
We just discovered tonight that a friend of some of our youth, Leanne, is in the hospital room next door. Her sisters Loreal and Lisa where also here along with their mother Dawn whom Debbie and I both had visited with a number of times at Dr. Von Elten's office, but had never realized that she was their mother. What a small world!!
Please pray for Leanne as she has been here for a week and is in a lot of pain. Also, Christen's pain level in her knee has spiked tonight, so please pray for that as well.
Steve & Debbie
Please pray for Leanne as she has been here for a week and is in a lot of pain. Also, Christen's pain level in her knee has spiked tonight, so please pray for that as well.
Steve & Debbie
Chemo started at 7:47 PM
Christen's chemo treatment started at 7:47 PM. She is quite dizzy right now because of the steroids and anti-nausea medicine that they gave her prior to the doxyrubicin.
Rebecca gave Christen a nice braid and has generally entertained us in the typical Chenette way. :-)
Steve & Debbie
Rebecca gave Christen a nice braid and has generally entertained us in the typical Chenette way. :-)
Steve & Debbie
Still waiting on chemo
We are still waiting to start the chemo. She will have the doxyrubicin for 48 hours, which means she won't be finished until sometime Thursday evening. She will almost certainly have to stay until Friday.
Pray that she will be able to sleep through the night with the ongoing chemo treatment.
Steve & Debbie
Pray that she will be able to sleep through the night with the ongoing chemo treatment.
Steve & Debbie
Visiting Christen
Since we aren't sure how Christen is going to respond to the chemo, if you want to come down for visit please give us at call at 540-222-4650 to make sure Christen is up for it.
Steve & Debbie
Steve & Debbie
At UVA - chemo starting at 4 PM
Christen is sitting here receiving her pre-chemo saline drip through her central line. She will start the cisplatin around 4 PM, and she will be in her room sometime this afternoon.
Scott, Patty, and Christy were all here today, which was very nice. Things seem to be going well so far.
Steve & Debbie
Scott, Patty, and Christy were all here today, which was very nice. Things seem to be going well so far.
Steve & Debbie
Monday, January 14, 2008
Tomorrw We Start Chemo
Tomorrow Christen starts the road to having the cancer removed from her body. Praise God that He has brought us to this point, with good doctors and a good plan for her cure. We are very hopeful that the chemo will be effective against the tumor.
All the kids but Louie and Christen have gone to friends' houses for a few days.
Christen was able to get in some last minute appointments with the orthodontist and dentist. Debbie was also able to get a last minute doctor appointment today, both of which were answers to prayer.
Thanks to Bob for picking up Christen and taking her to the orthodontist this morning, and Hannah to Spanish. That was a great help!
Our first appointment is at 9:00 AM in Charlottesville.
The tumor seems to be growing rapidly and is the cause of a lot of pain. Her knee is swollen, hard, and is warm to the touch. Please pray that the chemo will be very effective at reducing the tumor size, preventing spread, and quickly.
Steve & Debbie for the family
All the kids but Louie and Christen have gone to friends' houses for a few days.
Christen was able to get in some last minute appointments with the orthodontist and dentist. Debbie was also able to get a last minute doctor appointment today, both of which were answers to prayer.
Thanks to Bob for picking up Christen and taking her to the orthodontist this morning, and Hannah to Spanish. That was a great help!
Our first appointment is at 9:00 AM in Charlottesville.
The tumor seems to be growing rapidly and is the cause of a lot of pain. Her knee is swollen, hard, and is warm to the touch. Please pray that the chemo will be very effective at reducing the tumor size, preventing spread, and quickly.
Steve & Debbie for the family
Sunday, January 13, 2008
William's Birthday
Today was another busy day in our house. With the worship service this morning, and then family and friends over for William's birthday it has been a great day of worship and fellowship. William enjoyed his presents and cake, and we all enjoyed a bit of 'normalcy' prior to our upcoming trials. We had a nice surprise today with a visit by Christen's Great Great Aunt Doris, who lives nearby. It was so nice to see her.
Many folks have offered time and again to help us in whatever way possible, and for this we are very thankful. The coming days will surely present new challenges and we are sure there will be new needs. This is a kind of stress that we have never seen as a family before. A special thank you to everyone who has sent us a meal. They have been extremely helpful. We are most thankful for the prayers, because the spiritual aspects of this are the most important. May we learn all that He wants to teach us through this.
Christen is attending our church youth group meeting tonight. We just talked with her on the phone and she is having such a wonderful time that she doesn't want to come home too early. Of course her parents are worried about her, needing sleep and all that. :-) We are so thankful that God has given her so many wonderful friends. That truly is a wonderful gift.
Please pray for Christen's health as she starts the chemo, since the healthier she is the better she will respond to the treatment. The new pain medicine is working much better for her with no signs of nausea, and her pain level is reduced. She seems to be at peace with the trials that she faces this week. Pray that will continue, and that He will give her physical strength as well.
Thanks again for the many countless kind ways that you all have helped us! May God bless you for it.
God has been with us every step of the way, and our trust is that He will be with us through each of these coming days. May this trial bring glory God!
Steve & Debbie for the family
Many folks have offered time and again to help us in whatever way possible, and for this we are very thankful. The coming days will surely present new challenges and we are sure there will be new needs. This is a kind of stress that we have never seen as a family before. A special thank you to everyone who has sent us a meal. They have been extremely helpful. We are most thankful for the prayers, because the spiritual aspects of this are the most important. May we learn all that He wants to teach us through this.
Christen is attending our church youth group meeting tonight. We just talked with her on the phone and she is having such a wonderful time that she doesn't want to come home too early. Of course her parents are worried about her, needing sleep and all that. :-) We are so thankful that God has given her so many wonderful friends. That truly is a wonderful gift.
Please pray for Christen's health as she starts the chemo, since the healthier she is the better she will respond to the treatment. The new pain medicine is working much better for her with no signs of nausea, and her pain level is reduced. She seems to be at peace with the trials that she faces this week. Pray that will continue, and that He will give her physical strength as well.
Thanks again for the many countless kind ways that you all have helped us! May God bless you for it.
God has been with us every step of the way, and our trust is that He will be with us through each of these coming days. May this trial bring glory God!
Steve & Debbie for the family
Saturday, January 12, 2008
New Haircuts
Friday, January 11, 2008
Safely back home from Philly
We met with Dr. Dormans yesterday, after a 2 1/2 hour wait in the clinic. He said that Christen is healing nicely from the biopsy. She can take the knee immobilizer off now though she still has to protect her knee from injury. He introduced us to a 14 year old girl (and her father) who had the same cancer as Christen in her knee, and now has the same endoprosthesis. She finished her chemo 9 months ago. It was encouraging to meet someone who has completed the course that we a just now embarking on. The girl was in great spirits and looked very healthy.
We will return to CHOP for a pre-op appointment about two weeks prior to Christen's knee surgery. The knee surgery (scheduled for April 2) will take about 6 hours to complete and then she will stay in the hospital 5 or 6 days with a possible stay at the Ronald McDonald House for a few days after that.
Abigail was great to have along to keep Christen company. Thanks, Abigail, for going along!
Christen and Debbie went out to get haircuts this afternoon in preparation for the upcoming trials with the chemo. The chemo regime that Christen will receive is the most aggressive that they give short of a bone marrow transplant.
We celebrate Williams 6th birthday tomorrow.
We are all preparing ourselves for a major upheaval, so please pray for us that we will keep our eyes on Jesus. Pray that Christen's cancer will respond to the chemo. When they remove the tumor in early April they will do an analysis to see how much of it was killed by the first 2 cycles of chemotherapy. They are hoping for > 90% cell death in the tumor because this will indicate a better prognosis. Additionally this will potentially dictate what kind of chemo regime she will receive after the surgery. Also, pray that the tumor will shrink as quickly as this will reduce the pain in her knee.
Steve & Debbie for the family
We will return to CHOP for a pre-op appointment about two weeks prior to Christen's knee surgery. The knee surgery (scheduled for April 2) will take about 6 hours to complete and then she will stay in the hospital 5 or 6 days with a possible stay at the Ronald McDonald House for a few days after that.
Abigail was great to have along to keep Christen company. Thanks, Abigail, for going along!
Christen and Debbie went out to get haircuts this afternoon in preparation for the upcoming trials with the chemo. The chemo regime that Christen will receive is the most aggressive that they give short of a bone marrow transplant.
We celebrate Williams 6th birthday tomorrow.
We are all preparing ourselves for a major upheaval, so please pray for us that we will keep our eyes on Jesus. Pray that Christen's cancer will respond to the chemo. When they remove the tumor in early April they will do an analysis to see how much of it was killed by the first 2 cycles of chemotherapy. They are hoping for > 90% cell death in the tumor because this will indicate a better prognosis. Additionally this will potentially dictate what kind of chemo regime she will receive after the surgery. Also, pray that the tumor will shrink as quickly as this will reduce the pain in her knee.
Steve & Debbie for the family
Thursday, January 10, 2008
First Visit with Oncologist
We met with Christen's oncologist today at UVA. The visit went well except that Christen's pain was hard to manage (keeping it under control), and she was nauseous (losing her breakfast on the way down). We were given a different medicine for her pain and hope it works much better; please pray that it will. We like the doctor and think she will receive good care from him. We are scheduled to start chemo next Tuesday, January 15th. The pain should lessen when the chemo starts. Christen will be in the hospital until Thursday or Friday depending on how things go. We were able to get the EKG completed, and the one other "baseline" test required will be completed Tuesday morning prior to the start of the chemo. Thanks for your prayers about that. God was good in letting us get a dental and orthodontist appointment for Christen on Monday before the start of her treatment. She commented that everything seemed to be fitting together so perfectly, referring that God had it all arranged.
Elizabeth was with us the whole day and was a great help! She understands so much about what we are facing since her husband went through chemo, and she is almost done with her studies to be a Nurse Practitioner. It was such a blessing to have her help us interpret and understand. Thank you Elizabeth and thanks to your family for giving her up for our benefit.
Wendy's van was great and made for a comfortable ride for Christen. Thanks Wendy. We will enjoy it again tomorrow.
We have another big day tomorrow with our visit at CHOP (Children's Hospital Of Philadelphia) leaving about 5:30 am. Abigail is going along with us to keep Christen company. It's always great to have a cheerful face along.
We are meeting so many new and wonderful people. We are so thankful for all of our old friends and our new ones!!!!
Please pray for safety tomorrow and for strength and good health for Christen (and the rest of the family as well) as she goes into next week.
Thanks for lifting us up before God's throne. What a gift that is!
Steve & Debbie for the family
Elizabeth was with us the whole day and was a great help! She understands so much about what we are facing since her husband went through chemo, and she is almost done with her studies to be a Nurse Practitioner. It was such a blessing to have her help us interpret and understand. Thank you Elizabeth and thanks to your family for giving her up for our benefit.
Wendy's van was great and made for a comfortable ride for Christen. Thanks Wendy. We will enjoy it again tomorrow.
We have another big day tomorrow with our visit at CHOP (Children's Hospital Of Philadelphia) leaving about 5:30 am. Abigail is going along with us to keep Christen company. It's always great to have a cheerful face along.
We are meeting so many new and wonderful people. We are so thankful for all of our old friends and our new ones!!!!
Please pray for safety tomorrow and for strength and good health for Christen (and the rest of the family as well) as she goes into next week.
Thanks for lifting us up before God's throne. What a gift that is!
Steve & Debbie for the family
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Joy, Pain, and Anticipation
Today Christen had a pleasant surprise visit from her great-grandparents Gene and Ruth. They made the trip all the way from Leesburg. Christen was glad to see them and really appreciated that they came to see her. Grandma Ellen also stopped by today to see Christen and deliver a gift of a laptop computer. A MacBook for all you computer geeks! :-) Many thanks to those who gave to towards the computer!! Now Christen can do facebook and e-mail from the comfort of wherever she happens to be.
Rhonda and Anna stopped by today for a visit, and Jane came today and delivered arm and hand cushions for Christen's crutches. Wendy and her kids spent some time with us this evening.
Please pray for our trip tomorrow to Charlottesville to see the oncologist. Our appointment is at 11 AM, and we are hoping that we can spend the afternoon getting the "baseline" testing completed so that we can start chemo next week. Elizabeth graciously offered to go with us tomorrow to help us navigate the system and the medical issues. She takes classes down there and is a nurse, so she is also familiar with the territory. She is also familiar with oncology department since Brian did his chemo there. Thanks Elizabeth!!! God sent you to us!! Then on Friday we have to leave early in the morning to be at CHOP for 10:30 AM appointment with Dr. Dormans. Wendy switched vans with us so that Christen will have a little more room to stretch her leg out, and we don't have to drive our 15 passenger van. Bravo to Wendy for being willing to drive that thing!! Thanks!! She is brave. :-)
Christen is still taking the maximum dose of her pain medication. It hurts more when she spends too much time moving around. Otherwise she is in good spirits. God has really given her a sense of peace and a quiet acceptance of the situation. She doesn't complain, and really seems to be accepting this as the Lord's will for her right now. She is such a sweet, mature young lady. We are very proud of her.
God continues to bear us up in His hands. He is teaching us to lean on Him more and more, especially as we face a mountain issues. The battle rages, but your prayers are being heard and answered. We are deeply grateful. Sometimes it feels like it would be so easy to "crack up", but the Spirit intervenes and provides the strength we need just at the right time.
We can really tell that being alone in a situation like ours would be very difficult. We want you guys to know that the interactions we have with you are so beneficial to us. You may not perceive it, but they are. For instance, Wendy's visit this evening with her kids was very good for us because we spent some good time just laughing. God made laughter. " A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Proverbs 17:22. Laughter helps to break up the times of worry and stress, of which there are an abundance these days. Thanks for the laughter!!
Another request is that both Debbie and Christen have a cold today, so please pray that they will be healed quickly and that we will be spared from anything further.
Steve & Debbie for the family
Rhonda and Anna stopped by today for a visit, and Jane came today and delivered arm and hand cushions for Christen's crutches. Wendy and her kids spent some time with us this evening.
Please pray for our trip tomorrow to Charlottesville to see the oncologist. Our appointment is at 11 AM, and we are hoping that we can spend the afternoon getting the "baseline" testing completed so that we can start chemo next week. Elizabeth graciously offered to go with us tomorrow to help us navigate the system and the medical issues. She takes classes down there and is a nurse, so she is also familiar with the territory. She is also familiar with oncology department since Brian did his chemo there. Thanks Elizabeth!!! God sent you to us!! Then on Friday we have to leave early in the morning to be at CHOP for 10:30 AM appointment with Dr. Dormans. Wendy switched vans with us so that Christen will have a little more room to stretch her leg out, and we don't have to drive our 15 passenger van. Bravo to Wendy for being willing to drive that thing!! Thanks!! She is brave. :-)
Christen is still taking the maximum dose of her pain medication. It hurts more when she spends too much time moving around. Otherwise she is in good spirits. God has really given her a sense of peace and a quiet acceptance of the situation. She doesn't complain, and really seems to be accepting this as the Lord's will for her right now. She is such a sweet, mature young lady. We are very proud of her.
God continues to bear us up in His hands. He is teaching us to lean on Him more and more, especially as we face a mountain issues. The battle rages, but your prayers are being heard and answered. We are deeply grateful. Sometimes it feels like it would be so easy to "crack up", but the Spirit intervenes and provides the strength we need just at the right time.
We can really tell that being alone in a situation like ours would be very difficult. We want you guys to know that the interactions we have with you are so beneficial to us. You may not perceive it, but they are. For instance, Wendy's visit this evening with her kids was very good for us because we spent some good time just laughing. God made laughter. " A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Proverbs 17:22. Laughter helps to break up the times of worry and stress, of which there are an abundance these days. Thanks for the laughter!!
Another request is that both Debbie and Christen have a cold today, so please pray that they will be healed quickly and that we will be spared from anything further.
Steve & Debbie for the family
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Meeting new Friends, Etc.
God answered your prayers and Christen's appetite was much better. She still has to keep on a pretty regular schedule for the pain medication.
Yesterday, we were blessed to be visited by Susan and her young and delightful daughter, Mallory. Having already gone through something very similar to what we are getting ready to go through, they had many words of wisdom to offer us as well as their cheerful encouragement. We were really blessed by being able to learn from them.
This afternoon, Abigail joined Christen and I on a trip to the shop, "I'm Still Me." Christen was a beautiful model as she tried on various wigs and hats, and we got some laughs out of that. This morning we prayed and asked God if He would allow us to find just the right thing that Christen would really like and feel comfortable wearing. The very first wig the owner, Victoria, brought out was perfect!!! We were very blessed by Victoria's kind and understanding spirit as she has experienced cancer treatment firsthand.
Today I was reflecting on what we are going through and imagined it as a race that we are running, a difficult course we've never been on before; and all along the way there are people lining the sides of the path cheering us on and giving us advice born out of their own experience. It's quite amazing. I'm reminded of the verses in Hebrews 12:1-2, "Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross..." My commentary in referring to the witnesses says, "The readers are in effect running a race before a great crowd of people who have already finished the race with honors. Their example encourages the readers, and admonishes them if they should stumble." We have certainly been encouraged by all of you. May God richly and deeply bless each one of you.
God has been with us today, and He will be with us tomorrow.
Debbie & Steve, for all of us
Yesterday, we were blessed to be visited by Susan and her young and delightful daughter, Mallory. Having already gone through something very similar to what we are getting ready to go through, they had many words of wisdom to offer us as well as their cheerful encouragement. We were really blessed by being able to learn from them.
This afternoon, Abigail joined Christen and I on a trip to the shop, "I'm Still Me." Christen was a beautiful model as she tried on various wigs and hats, and we got some laughs out of that. This morning we prayed and asked God if He would allow us to find just the right thing that Christen would really like and feel comfortable wearing. The very first wig the owner, Victoria, brought out was perfect!!! We were very blessed by Victoria's kind and understanding spirit as she has experienced cancer treatment firsthand.
Today I was reflecting on what we are going through and imagined it as a race that we are running, a difficult course we've never been on before; and all along the way there are people lining the sides of the path cheering us on and giving us advice born out of their own experience. It's quite amazing. I'm reminded of the verses in Hebrews 12:1-2, "Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross..." My commentary in referring to the witnesses says, "The readers are in effect running a race before a great crowd of people who have already finished the race with honors. Their example encourages the readers, and admonishes them if they should stumble." We have certainly been encouraged by all of you. May God richly and deeply bless each one of you.
God has been with us today, and He will be with us tomorrow.
Debbie & Steve, for all of us
Monday, January 7, 2008
The Day After Three Kings Day
Three Kings Day was quite a hit with our kids. They would like to celebrate it every year. Our daughter Lori received a stuffed bear that she named 'Bob', but his nickname is 'chubs', he likes tae kwondo, and is in the 2nd grade because he is so smart, even though he should be the first grade for his age. He is quite the bear! :-) A special thank you to everyone who participated in this. The kids were very blessed by it. Their parents also enjoyed the process as well. :-)
Christen had a nice day of rest. She still isn't eating very much, however. Please pray that her appetite will return soon so that she can go into the first round of chemo with more strength.
Also, please pray that Thursday's appointment with the oncologist in Charlottesville would go well, and that we would be able to get all the "baseline" testing done while we are there.
Thanks to everyone for the prayers, and support.
Steve & Debbie for the family
Christen had a nice day of rest. She still isn't eating very much, however. Please pray that her appetite will return soon so that she can go into the first round of chemo with more strength.
Also, please pray that Thursday's appointment with the oncologist in Charlottesville would go well, and that we would be able to get all the "baseline" testing done while we are there.
Thanks to everyone for the prayers, and support.
Steve & Debbie for the family
Sunday, January 6, 2008
A Blessed Sunday

Jesus is carrying us. We are so glad that we don't have to go through this alone. He gives us regular reminders that He is right there with us. What an awesome feeling that is! He gives joy in the midst of pain.
We are hearing stories of many people and churches whom we have never met who are reading the blog and praying for Christen . We can't thank you enough for extending your hearts in love to our family through your prayers to God on Christen's behalf. May God greatly bless each of you for it!!
Our pastor preached a great sermon on Heaven today that was an encouraging reminder. This life with its pains and sorrows is not the end of the story. May we all remember that, even in the hard times. Thank you, Jack, for the reminder. And thank you Jesus that we can have this great hope!
Also, one of our dear friends Becky came up with the idea of extending Christmas for our children by giving them a collection of Christmas cookies, and getting them gifts to celebrate "3 Kings Day" which is January 6th. She wanted to do this since Christmas was overshadowed with other things. The church members got each of our children a number of gifts. The idea is that each child puts a shoe box of grass beside their bed tonight, and the 3 Kings will come along, the camels will eat the grass, and the kings put gifts in its place. The kids are very excited about this -- they've never had camels in their bedrooms before. :-) Probably not kings either!
With much gratefulness and thanks,
Steve & Debbie for the family
BTW, I changed the blog settings so that anyone can post a comment without requiring a google account. So comment away please!! They are very encouraging to us.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
A Day at Home
She is really looking forward to attending church tomorrow. It will be a blessing to be able to attend worship and have fellowship with our friends.
While we were gone our neighbor started work on a new shed/covering for our tractor. What a tremendous gift!
The picture was one taken last night just after we arrived home. Christen really enjoyed being back together with her friends and family! You guys are such an important part of her getting through this battle with cancer. Thanks to everyone for all the love!!!
Steve & Debbie for the family
Friday, January 4, 2008
We are HOME!!!!
Christen is home! All the kids are home. It is so great to be back together as a family. We arrived home to find the house decorated for Christen, a full refrigerator, a "Welcome Home" cake, and a tremendous amount of other welcoming things and people. Thanks to all who worked at making our return very nice.
We had an uneventful trip. Thanks to the prayers she was actually quite comfortable, all things considered.
All the kids did well at the various homes. Wendy took care of Hannah, Rebekah, and Lori. They had a great time, and generated a few funny stories to tell us about Wendy. :-) Jordan entertained George & Lynne. Isaac and William enjoyed being with Ed, Beth, and Nelson. Louie took care of himself and the home while he wasn't with us. :-) Thanks so much to each of the families for keeping the kids. The fact that they had such a good time is a huge blessing. Knowing that the other children were not miserable during their stay away from home gives us great comfort.
The home health care nurse will show up sometime tomorrow morning to help with the management of the broviac and bring supplies.
Round 1 is complete. Thanks to God for getting us through it. Please pray for God's grace for Christen and the family as we face the next round. You all have been tremendous. Thanks again for all of the calls, e-mails, blog posts, gifts, etc. etc. etc.
Steve & Debbie for the family
We had an uneventful trip. Thanks to the prayers she was actually quite comfortable, all things considered.
All the kids did well at the various homes. Wendy took care of Hannah, Rebekah, and Lori. They had a great time, and generated a few funny stories to tell us about Wendy. :-) Jordan entertained George & Lynne. Isaac and William enjoyed being with Ed, Beth, and Nelson. Louie took care of himself and the home while he wasn't with us. :-) Thanks so much to each of the families for keeping the kids. The fact that they had such a good time is a huge blessing. Knowing that the other children were not miserable during their stay away from home gives us great comfort.
The home health care nurse will show up sometime tomorrow morning to help with the management of the broviac and bring supplies.
Round 1 is complete. Thanks to God for getting us through it. Please pray for God's grace for Christen and the family as we face the next round. You all have been tremendous. Thanks again for all of the calls, e-mails, blog posts, gifts, etc. etc. etc.
Steve & Debbie for the family
Departing today at 1:30 PM
Christen is sleeping now (noon Friday). She had a difficult time with pain yesterday evening but that seems to be back under control. We are going to leave sometime after 1:00 PM since we have received the release order. She did have some nausea this morning so please pray that she will not have to struggle with that as well as the pain on the trip home.
We have our first appointment with the oncologist at UVA next Thursday, then back to Philly on Friday for the post-op appointment. Our guess is that chemo will start the following week.
Thanks for the prayers!
Steve & Debbie
We have our first appointment with the oncologist at UVA next Thursday, then back to Philly on Friday for the post-op appointment. Our guess is that chemo will start the following week.
Thanks for the prayers!
Steve & Debbie
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Much Improved

Today she had to get an x-ray in preparation for the knee surgery in April. The picture was taken down in the x-ray department with the RN Vanessa who took care of Christen today. Also, we all met with Dr. Dormans and the nurse practioner. That was very informative, and we are feeling very comfortable with the care Christen is receiving here. The tentative date for knee surgery is April 2nd. She is resting comfortably in her room now, watching a home re-decorating show on TV. We will have to stay one more night because we need to receive training on care of the broviac central line tomorrow at 9:30 AM. After that we will be free to leave the hospital. Please pray that Christen will be comfortable during the 3 1/2 to 4 hour drive home. We look forward to getting home with all of our other children.
We are beginning to get a more detailed understanding of what we are up against over the next 9 months or so. The chemo therapy is going to present significant challenges. She will have to be admitted to the hospital for anywhere between 2 and 5 days for each chemo infusion. She will have a new infusion every 2 to 4 weeks depending on her numbers. We are planning to have the chemo administered at UVA hospital. Today we also got to see an example of the endoprosthesis device that will be put in her leg to replace her knee joint. It was actually encouraging to see the device. It is quite sturdy and looks like it will work very well. It is a huge blessing to have access to excellent medical care. Next week Dr. Dormans is arranging for Christen to meet a young woman who is now a teacher and had an endoprosthesis put in 6 or 7 years ago. The Dr. said this is her way of giving back -- to encourage others in the same situation.
Louie, Hannah, and Ruth are headed back home this afternoon.
We can't begin to tell you how much all the expressions and demonstrations of support have meant to us. We would never want to walk through this alone. You guys are truly the hands and feet of Jesus for us.
Steve & Debbie and family
Rough night
Christen had a rough night. They grade pain on a scale of 0 to 10 (10 being the worst), and Christen spent the night at 9. They finally got it down to 2 this morning and she is finally able to sleep. We won't be able to go home until we can control the pain.
Debbie spent the night with Christen at the hospital.
Thank you for your prayers!
Steve & Debbie
Debbie spent the night with Christen at the hospital.
Thank you for your prayers!
Steve & Debbie
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Settled in the hospital room
Christen is now settled in her hospital room and sleeping nicely. She has been having trouble with pain because of the knee immobilizer which they put on her to keep her knee stable. Because of the tumor, 2 incisions, and the bone samples they removed, her knee is extremely sore. They had to significantly increase her pain medication in order to manage it, and she is now sleeping. Keeping her knee straight was very painful before the surgery, so I can only imagine what it must be like now. We asked the doctor about letting her bend the knee. They would rather not do that since her knee is more stable straight than bent.
We give praise to God that it appears the cancer has not spread. We can't begin to tell you how deeply grateful to our God we are and what an awesome thing it is to see answered prayer. I (Steve) am so thankful that Debbie was so quick to get her to the doctor, and that Dr. Dart did such an excellent job reading the x-ray and was able to detect that something was wrong. The radiologist told him that she was surprised that he saw enough on the x-ray to prompt him to order an MRI. Dr. Dart told us that was the "hand of providence." Well... we say AMEN to that. The doctor told us today that he feels certain that Christen will be fine once she is through all the treatment that she will receive this year. It will be a difficult year, but he thinks the end result is that she will be fine. She will have some limitations in the use of her knee (most sports will be out for instance) but other than that she will be able to function normally in life.
Christen still has significant hurdles in the future. 3 months of chemo-therapy. Knee and partial femur replacement. 6 more months of chemo after that. No small set of things to face in ones life at the age of 15. In fact it will be very difficult.
However, we are very grateful, and trust that Jesus will be with her in the future as He has been with her up to this point.
Scott and Patty drove up and stayed with us today. They brought Hannah with them. It was wonderful to have them with us to help pass the time and provide encouragement while Christen was in surgery. Louie also drove up today. Louie, Hannah, and Ruth will all stay with me at the Ronald McDonald House tonight.
Christen needs to have a special x-ray taken tomorrow in order to prepare for the upcoming knee surgery.
We will hopefully leave the hospital tomorrow afternoon if everything goes well.
Steve & Debbie for the family
We give praise to God that it appears the cancer has not spread. We can't begin to tell you how deeply grateful to our God we are and what an awesome thing it is to see answered prayer. I (Steve) am so thankful that Debbie was so quick to get her to the doctor, and that Dr. Dart did such an excellent job reading the x-ray and was able to detect that something was wrong. The radiologist told him that she was surprised that he saw enough on the x-ray to prompt him to order an MRI. Dr. Dart told us that was the "hand of providence." Well... we say AMEN to that. The doctor told us today that he feels certain that Christen will be fine once she is through all the treatment that she will receive this year. It will be a difficult year, but he thinks the end result is that she will be fine. She will have some limitations in the use of her knee (most sports will be out for instance) but other than that she will be able to function normally in life.
Christen still has significant hurdles in the future. 3 months of chemo-therapy. Knee and partial femur replacement. 6 more months of chemo after that. No small set of things to face in ones life at the age of 15. In fact it will be very difficult.
However, we are very grateful, and trust that Jesus will be with her in the future as He has been with her up to this point.
Scott and Patty drove up and stayed with us today. They brought Hannah with them. It was wonderful to have them with us to help pass the time and provide encouragement while Christen was in surgery. Louie also drove up today. Louie, Hannah, and Ruth will all stay with me at the Ronald McDonald House tonight.
Christen needs to have a special x-ray taken tomorrow in order to prepare for the upcoming knee surgery.
We will hopefully leave the hospital tomorrow afternoon if everything goes well.
Steve & Debbie for the family
Surgery Complete
They finished the biopsy about 12:40 PM. The doctor says it is osteosarcoma.
As of now the doctor doesn't think she has a "skip lesion" but he will be more certain after talking with the pathologist later. The bone scan and CT scan appear clear, but they will know for certain after the final readings are done. This is very good news for her prognosis.
She will have 3 months of chemotherapy. Then the surgery, and then more chemotherapy after that. The doctor feels very good about Christen, that she will be fine.
They are putting the broviac in now.
Christen should be in her room within a couple of hours.
Steve & Debbie
As of now the doctor doesn't think she has a "skip lesion" but he will be more certain after talking with the pathologist later. The bone scan and CT scan appear clear, but they will know for certain after the final readings are done. This is very good news for her prognosis.
She will have 3 months of chemotherapy. Then the surgery, and then more chemotherapy after that. The doctor feels very good about Christen, that she will be fine.
They are putting the broviac in now.
Christen should be in her room within a couple of hours.
Steve & Debbie
Still in surgery
The nurse came out to give us a status update at 12:25 PM. They are still taking samples and haven't closed up the incision yet. She did not know how much more time it will take. After that the doctor will insert a port or broviac which will take some additional time.
Please keep praying!
Steve & Debbie
Please keep praying!
Steve & Debbie
In Surgery at 10 AM
Christen just went back for her biopsy at 10 AM. She should be out of the OR by 11:30 AM. She was in good spirits. Your prayers are being answered. Please keep them up!!
We still haven't heard the results of the bone scan and CT. We will get those later today.
Thanks so much!
Steve & Debbie
We still haven't heard the results of the bone scan and CT. We will get those later today.
Thanks so much!
Steve & Debbie
Just a quick note to let you know that our arrival time for the procedure this morning is 9 AM. Thank you so much for your prayers. We will plan to post again this evening to let everyone know how things went.
Steve and Debbie, for the family
Steve and Debbie, for the family
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
New Years Day
Happy New Year!!!
What an amazing way to start out the new year. We have been talking today about how it is actually a blessing for God to have us start out the New Year with a strong sense of our need of Him. God is giving us such encouragement and a sense that Jesus is walking with us every step of the way.
We have a special prayer request for the surgeon Dr. Dormans. Yesterday he mentioned in passing that he hurt his back moving a dish washer just the day before, and is on call the next few days. Please pray that his back pain will go away both for his own benefit and also that it will not be a distraction to him during the biopsy.
On another note, we have received many e-mails and notes that were written well after midnight lately. Just to give you a little flavor of the kinds of communication that we have received that were written so late, and for your own New Years Day entertainment, here is a poem written by Christen's friend Melanie at 3:30 AM one night during the Christmas holiday.
The 8 Healing Reindeer
The first doctor on our list goes by the name of Dr. Dasher
He'll fix your knee right on up with his tumor smasher!
Our second doctor's name we know of course is Dr. Dancer
You have a question? Ask away! He'll always have an answer!
The third doctor, we have learned, is named Dr. Prancer
His awesome skills will have you saying, "I kicked the butt of cancer!"
Our fourth doctor is quite witty, of course it's Dr. Vixen!
The medicine that he subscribes will give your knee some fixin'!
Laughter's the best medicine with dear old Dr. Comet!
He'll have you laughing so hard, you'll nearly want to vomit!
Number six is our favorite, lovable, squishy Dr. Cubit
When you want to run and leap, he'll scream, "You can do it!"
But our seventh doctor will be your favorite, old Dr. Donder
Of all the doctor's you'll agree, there is none other fonder!
But the last doctor will be the best! That is Dr. Blitzen.
For he's the one who will declare, "You're healed dear miss Christen!"
On a more serious note, tomorrow will be a very long and hard day for Christen. As we came in over New Year's, we won't know the actual time of surgery until we call tomorrow morning at 6:00. The doctor only has two surgeries and his first one is at 7:30, so the nurse guessed Christen would be about 9:00. Pray for Christen to have peace and calmness about it and for a good recovery afterwards. Also, of course, pray for the outcome of the biopsy. Christen will spend the night in the hospital tomorrow and should leave Thursday.
God gave us sweet sharing time with an older woman from India who now resides in Canada. Please pray her and her great niece whom she is here caring for.
Thanks again to all of you.
Steve and Debbie for the family
What an amazing way to start out the new year. We have been talking today about how it is actually a blessing for God to have us start out the New Year with a strong sense of our need of Him. God is giving us such encouragement and a sense that Jesus is walking with us every step of the way.
We have a special prayer request for the surgeon Dr. Dormans. Yesterday he mentioned in passing that he hurt his back moving a dish washer just the day before, and is on call the next few days. Please pray that his back pain will go away both for his own benefit and also that it will not be a distraction to him during the biopsy.
On another note, we have received many e-mails and notes that were written well after midnight lately. Just to give you a little flavor of the kinds of communication that we have received that were written so late, and for your own New Years Day entertainment, here is a poem written by Christen's friend Melanie at 3:30 AM one night during the Christmas holiday.
The 8 Healing Reindeer
The first doctor on our list goes by the name of Dr. Dasher
He'll fix your knee right on up with his tumor smasher!
Our second doctor's name we know of course is Dr. Dancer
You have a question? Ask away! He'll always have an answer!
The third doctor, we have learned, is named Dr. Prancer
His awesome skills will have you saying, "I kicked the butt of cancer!"
Our fourth doctor is quite witty, of course it's Dr. Vixen!
The medicine that he subscribes will give your knee some fixin'!
Laughter's the best medicine with dear old Dr. Comet!
He'll have you laughing so hard, you'll nearly want to vomit!
Number six is our favorite, lovable, squishy Dr. Cubit
When you want to run and leap, he'll scream, "You can do it!"
But our seventh doctor will be your favorite, old Dr. Donder
Of all the doctor's you'll agree, there is none other fonder!
But the last doctor will be the best! That is Dr. Blitzen.
For he's the one who will declare, "You're healed dear miss Christen!"
On a more serious note, tomorrow will be a very long and hard day for Christen. As we came in over New Year's, we won't know the actual time of surgery until we call tomorrow morning at 6:00. The doctor only has two surgeries and his first one is at 7:30, so the nurse guessed Christen would be about 9:00. Pray for Christen to have peace and calmness about it and for a good recovery afterwards. Also, of course, pray for the outcome of the biopsy. Christen will spend the night in the hospital tomorrow and should leave Thursday.
God gave us sweet sharing time with an older woman from India who now resides in Canada. Please pray her and her great niece whom she is here caring for.
Thanks again to all of you.
Steve and Debbie for the family
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