Monday, September 8, 2008


Christen has completed her last treatment of chemotherapy. She came home yesterday afternoon, took a nap, then went out to Bible study in the evening. She is really looking forward to normal life, including the stress of getting homework done on time! :-)

We will continue to update the blog as things progress. Her next Dr. appointment is not until October which seems like an eternity compared to what she has been going through for the last 9 months. Please pray for all of us as we now turn our attention more fully to making plans for the trip to see the osteosarcoma specialist in Houston in October.

Steve & Debbie for the family


Cac said...


Anonymous said...

Celebrating!!! What a incredible journey...and glad for you to have this part behind you. Time to be able to be together again --never really returning to the life we knew..but facing life with new perspectives. Maybe we will get to stop by sometiem to say hello. It has just been 2 years since we came home from our first treatment..time sure does fly. Mallory goes back for a check up to DC Childrens next Tues & probably will have scans again by Dec. THANKING GOD for sustaining you ALL. Blessings THe Bryans

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad the treatments are over and Christen can enjoy some "normal" life again. She continues to be in our prayers.
Jill Clark

Jennifer said...

Well, Christen, and all other Lunsfords....God sustained you through these past nine months, and will sustain you through each day as it opens. May your souls be at peace in our wonderful Lord and savior!