Saturday, May 3, 2008


I neglected to mention in the last post that Christen and Debbie had to spend one night at UVA Thursday because her electrolytes were low. She returned home Friday. It turns out that she also has another cdiff infection but thankfully they are letting her be at home with antibiotics rather than staying at the hospital to get over it.

We are very likely going to be doing the longer course of chemo which will run until the middle of November.

Our trust is that God is working His glorious and loving will in this situation and are so thankful that we can view this situation through the lens of the cross of Jesus. What might we be thinking if we had no Savior to deliver us from the guilt of sin? What if we didn't have the very Son of God interceding on our behalf before the throne of the Father, pleading that He has made us just before the Father because He paid our debt of sin and has given us His record of righteousness? The good news of Jesus dying to save sinners such as each of us makes a dramatic difference in the way in which we think about cancer. If God through Jesus has demonstrated such incredible love for us by giving His own Son to save us from the guilt of sin and make it so that we can spend eternity with Him, what can these terrible difficulties be but His loving Hand at work in us for our good? How can we think that He could be against us? Sometimes we are tempted to think it. We are sinful people, far from perfect. But His truth remains regardless of how we might feel. Adversity has a way of shaking us loose from placing our happiness in anything on this earth, and causing us to look up to Him. I suspect that He knows that we need that. Please continue to pray that we will keep our eyes on Jesus, the only One who is worthy of our trust, and is our only hope. This world is not our home. We are just passing through, and we are looking forward to what is to come.

Steve & Debbie for the family


Anonymous said...

AMEN! Your lives are quite a sermon! (All of our lives are a sermon.) Trust the Holy Spirit to lead you, live though you, and speak through you. "He is faithful," as Debbie says so often!
(What a wonderful Christian heritage you both have had from your strong families to have prepared you for this moment in time. One generation shall pass on to the other...)

Jennifer said...

Yes, and thank you so much for that wonderful reminder. It was so good to see you at church today, Steve, and that you were able to stay for the Family Feast! We certainly missed Debbie and Christen!
Christen, we prayed for you tonight at the Youth Bible Study. You are loved dearly by so many, and so many people are praying for you. We love you.