Thursday, May 22, 2008

One more step forward...

Christen's chemo started at 5:30 pm. We arrived here at 8:00 am for an MRI, but as is so much of life, things always take more time than you expect.
She was nauseous and threw up on the way here - maybe what is called "anticipatory nausea" because she hadn't thrown up for some time. We are always glad though to see our friends when we come to UVA. God has allowed us to come to know so many precious people here.

Christen's leg has healed beautifully. She has to do exercises to strengthen it, and hasn't ditched her crutches yet - still working towards that. We have a wonderful physical therapist who comes to our house to help her. It's tough making yourself do exercises that bring you pain - "No pain, no gain," so they say. Pray that she will have the drive to be able to continue diligently exercising in the midst of feeling sick and tired and sick and tired of being sick. She can't wait to be able to just stand up and walk! It's a bit of a slow process. She is handling this entire ordeal very well and has an attitude of peaceful surrender to God, willing for whatever course He has planned for her life. She said, "Mom, if God wants me to die, it's ok." She has become soft clay in the Potter's hands. She has expressed interest in helping others understand themselves and their feelings, etc. better (studying psychology) and considers this experience to be a part of her training.

God is beautiful. Today after the MRI, we were heading down the hall and met up with one of the MRI techs - a middle aged man. He told Christen he hoped she would be feeling better, etc. I noticed a bible tucked under his arm along with some other stuff so asked him, "You're a believer?" He said, "You bet," and held up his hand on which was a yellow sticky note with Christen's name on it. He said, "I keep a list, and at night before I go to bed, I pray for all of the patients I've helped that day." What a blessing to meet a new brother and what a oneness we have because of Christ! He stopped and prayed a beautiful prayer for Christen right then and there.

God has surrounded us with His love and kindness shown to us in so many ways, namely the outpouring of love we have received from each one of you.
God says that it is more blessed to give than to receive. From the magnitude of receiving we have done, you all must be buried in blessings!
Each word and deed, so undeserved, can't be weighed for it's worth to us.
God knows each of you and won't forget your sacrifices for us.

Debbie for the family


Jennifer said...

What a beautiful post, Debbie. So many encouraging thoughts. Cling to Jesus, Christen. You are His daughter, and He will do what is best for you! I love you, and can't wait to see you again! We are honored to be called to pray for you.

Earl and Kristy Jackson said...

Thank you so much for the update on your precious baby girl Christen. How amazing that through it all Christen's concern is to reach out to others, look at God work.
The Jackson family lifts your family in prayer and a special prayer for the doctors and nurses and the MRI Tech, what a might God we serve.

Mt. Zion Youth Department is also praying for your family.

Yours in Christ the Jackson Family.

Anonymous said...

We had fun with your youngest today...they are so precious! You have wonderful children with such beautiful spirits! The Lord is taking care of ALL of them!! Thank you for your heartfelt sharing. Lots of love, Mary Ann