Saturday, March 22, 2008


Christen is finally feeling better. She had her central line removed on Friday which they think was the source of the infection. She is on strong antibiotics and we hope they will re-place the line later this coming week. The bone pain is thankfully gone. It is simply incredible the number of side-effects that Christen has to fight with between the chemo drugs themselves, and all the other drugs they give her to fight the side-effects of the chemo.

We are so very thankful for God's presence with us, and for all the ways that He has encouraged us through your prayers and support. We can't begin to tell you how much it means to us.

Tomorrow the kids and I will go to see Christen and Debbie in the hospital tomorrow after church.

Steve for the family


Kathy/Mom/Mrs. J said...

Happy Easter, Lunsford family. I'm so glad you all got to be together today. Families being separated is no fun at all. I can't tell you what a treat it was just having Brandon, Becky, and Alexa come by for a couple of hours this afternoon. A simple visit can turn an okay day into a GREAT one.

We are praying for you all. Great sermon today. It's served as a good reminder to stay focused on the truth rather than our circumstances.

Love you all,

Jennifer said...

Hi Christen, We sure missed you at church today, but you were not forgotten. I am sorry that you have to stay in the hospital so long, but I am so glad that you can have visitors!
Christen, no matter how terrible you feel, please do not lose sight of your Father in heaven who loves you. He created you, and will not leave you.
Your friends and relatives here on earth love you so very much, too! We will not stop, we will not!