Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Low Days

Christen is feeling very sick (though we are thankful that she hasn't actually thrown up) and is very tired of it. She said this evening, "I just want to be able to eat what I want when I want." Imagine not being able to enjoy food for days and days on end, with seemingly no end in sight. She is feeling very low. She spends most of the day sleeping. Her blood count numbers will start the drop over the next few days and should reach a low point on or about the 18th, so we all have to be careful about not exposing her to infections. We know that God is at work in her (and in us) through these days of suffering. Please pray that we all will look to Jesus with eyes of faith and see that "behind a frowning providence there hides a smiling face."

Steve & Debbie for the family


Jennifer said...

Dear Debbie,
We are standing right beside you and walking this journey with you. We will continue to pray, and we love each of you.

Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie and Christen,
So sorry to hear how hard it is going. Please know that we are all praying for you and very impressed with your strength. Lois & the rest of the dental gang!

Kathy/Mom/Mrs. J said...

Well, Christen, I can totally relate to you wanting to eat whatever you want whenever you want. My life just got turned upside down last week when I found out I have diabetes. The days of eating whatever I want are gone forever but it's for my good. God has a way of not giving us more than we can handle. I know that He's carrying you each step of the way and we pray that He'll continue to give you just what you need to get through this. We love you!