Friday, March 21, 2008

Out of ICU, but not the Woods

Thankfully Christen is out of the ICU this evening and into a regular room. However she is really struggling with severe bone pain (a side effect of the medicine they are giving her to bring up her white blood cell count), and she is running another fever. :-(

Tomorrow they will remove her central line as they suspect that is the source of the recent infections. She will be in the hospital through at least Thursday of next week, and probably longer than that. :-(

Please pray for her. These are tall mountains for her to climb.

Steve & Debbie for the family


Jennifer said...

Yes, indeed, we will pray. This is a tall mountain for Christen to climb! Praising God that Christen is out of ICU and into her own room. We love each of you. I am sorry for your pain, Christen. Each day past is one day closer to being done with treatment. Our Lord has not left you nor forsaken you, Christen. He loves you and is there with you every second of every day. You have hundreds of people praying for you, most of whom you probably don't even know.

Tom & Sue said...

Dear Steve and Debbie, We are praying for you all. We love you all. love always, Uncle Tom and Aunt Sue