Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Christen will be staying in the hospital to start her next round of chemotherapy on Friday. This means that she will in the hospital until at least this Sunday, and likely Monday.

She is doing well, all things considered. She had a PICC line inserted today in preparation for the next round of chemo since they had to remove her central line. The doctors are being very careful with bacteria, so they actually plan to remove the PICC line before she goes up to Philadelphia for the knee surgery. She slept most of the day as a result of the sedation they gave her for PICC line insertion procedure.

Please continue to pray for Christen and the family. This is the longest time we have all be separated, and there isn't much easy about this. We are so thankful, however, for the wonderful support we have received throughout.

Steve & Debbie


Jennifer said...

Hi Steve and Debbie, Thanks for the update. We are sorry to read that Christen will remain in the hospital through the weekend, but grateful that the chemo can be administered, moving that much closer to the knee surgery and continuing to move forward. We love each of you, and will continue to pray for you all!

Tom & Sue said...

Dear Steve and Debbie, We love you all, and never stop praying for you. Take one day at a time and trust God, He is in control and loves you. Tell Christen we love her and are praying for her, she is an amazing young lady. love always Uncle Tom and Aunt Sue

Anonymous said...

Dear Christen,

We will miss you so much at the retreat...a poor substitute, but we'll try to take lots of pictures and Rachel can talk your ears off, telling you all about it! :) LOVE to you!

Marcy Simon

Unknown said...

Dear Christen,
What did the momma volcano say to the baby volcano?

I lava you!

(that's the best I could come up with for now... more to follow)

I hope your day went ok. Thinking of and praying for you :)

-carrie (the nurse)

Anonymous said...

Debbie and Christen: Sorry we didn't come down this week. Scott feels like he's got a cold and doesn't want to expose Christen to it. We'll be thinking of you and missing you at this weekend.


Jennifer said...

Hi Christen, I have been praying the the chemo will get out of your system quickly! I will be visiting my parents for the next week, and may not be able to access this site. However, I will not stop praying for you and thinking about you. I love you!