Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Day by Day

Christen has had some good days as well as difficult ones. We praise God for His gracious answer to prayer in taking away her nausea. Friday evening she was craving a burger from Burger King which her brother promptly made sure she had. I was surprised it stayed down. Saturday morning we were still trying out different medicine options to relieve the nausea. After talking with the doctor, we stopped the previous medicines and he ordered a new one. By Saturday evening, she was able to enjoy a very nice dinner complete with dessert! Sunday morning she really wanted to go to church and was able to be back to being more of her old self. She also was able to attend evening youth group. We really thank God for renewed strength!

As usual, every new day can be very different. Monday morning's blood counts were quite low with the white cell count being extremely low. Each day is like sitting on the rail of a fence---it could go either way. The verses in James 4:13-15 have really been highlighted in our lives. "Come now, you who say, 'Today or tomorrow we will go to such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit'; whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Instead you ought to say, 'If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.'" Each new day could be spent here at home or at UVA hospital. At least God knows which, and we can rest in His plan which is unknown to us.

Continue to pray with us that the cancer will respond well to the chemo, shrinking the tumor. The tumor seems to be really "sticking out," sort of like having a nice sized baked potato sitting under your skin with swelling around it. As it originated inside the bone, what we can see/feel is only part of it. At our very first doctor's appointment on Dec. 14th, there was no outward manifestation of the tumor nor could it be felt. As the bone is weak there, pray that it will be protected from further damage.

Christen could really use prayer for encouragement from the Lord, also, as her hair is starting to show the effects of the chemo. It's one thing to know what's coming (that's hard enough); it's another thing to see it happening.

A huge thanks to all of you for your continued support, love and prayers.
You are in our thoughts and prayers continually, as well.

Debbie and Steve and family


Tom & Sue said...

Dear Steve, Debbie, Chriten,and family I just want you all to know how much we love you all and are holding you all up in prayer. Love, Uncle Tom, Aunt Sue

Anonymous said...

Yes, Lord willing...everything in our lives. We are praying for each of you, and look forward to the updates. Thanks for taking the time to write them. We are praying for Christen's nausea, as well as your entire family. We love you so much!

Anonymous said...

the little things that make our cloudys special. The walk in the bright sunlight with birds fli-ying by-. SOmeonspecial to rub shoulders ooo - nice...a precious gift of God.
We love you all