Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Meeting new Friends, Etc.

God answered your prayers and Christen's appetite was much better. She still has to keep on a pretty regular schedule for the pain medication.

Yesterday, we were blessed to be visited by Susan and her young and delightful daughter, Mallory. Having already gone through something very similar to what we are getting ready to go through, they had many words of wisdom to offer us as well as their cheerful encouragement. We were really blessed by being able to learn from them.

This afternoon, Abigail joined Christen and I on a trip to the shop, "I'm Still Me." Christen was a beautiful model as she tried on various wigs and hats, and we got some laughs out of that. This morning we prayed and asked God if He would allow us to find just the right thing that Christen would really like and feel comfortable wearing. The very first wig the owner, Victoria, brought out was perfect!!! We were very blessed by Victoria's kind and understanding spirit as she has experienced cancer treatment firsthand.

Today I was reflecting on what we are going through and imagined it as a race that we are running, a difficult course we've never been on before; and all along the way there are people lining the sides of the path cheering us on and giving us advice born out of their own experience. It's quite amazing. I'm reminded of the verses in Hebrews 12:1-2, "Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross..." My commentary in referring to the witnesses says, "The readers are in effect running a race before a great crowd of people who have already finished the race with honors. Their example encourages the readers, and admonishes them if they should stumble." We have certainly been encouraged by all of you. May God richly and deeply bless each one of you.

God has been with us today, and He will be with us tomorrow.

Debbie & Steve, for all of us


Rebecca C said...

I want to see the wig! I think she should have an alternate orange wig for special occasions, since Christen is such a wild dresser usually. Thinking of you all and praying and thanking God that He blessed our church with all of you.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy to read that Christen's appetite has improved!
It IS amazing how God has prepared each of our paths!
Something that came to mind when I read today's blog was
of the many girls, as well as Dorie Peace, from GPC who have donated their hair to Locks of Love, beginning many years ago. Little did we know that Christen might be wearing their hair one day!
Like Rebecca, I am thanking God that He blessed our church with all of you!
With much love,
Jennifer (for all)

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog for a week or so now. I am a friend of Carla Penner, Mark's mother-in-law. I can't tell you how your writings have impacted me. Your family's strong faith is such an encouragement. On Monday, when our prayer group met, we included Christen and your family. You all are being lifted up by people you don't even know. We are all members of God's family. Blessings to all.

Kathy/Mom/Mrs. J said...

Steve, Debbie, and Christen,

I just got to thinking about something as I was praying about your appointment tomorrow. It occurred to me that you are embarking on yet another adventure and that every person you meet along the way has been arranged in advance. I'd like to think of it as "Providential appointments".

How exciting to think that God has already hand selected all the people you need to encounter. You never know if you're crossing paths with someone because you need something they've got or they need "Something(One)" you've got. It's kind of like a treasure hunt. Around every corner lies a new treasure for your basket. These "treasures" are the tools the Almighty will use to perfect your faith.

What an amazing story that's being written through your experiences. You all are just 3 of the main characters. Of course the Lord is the primary Player. The great news is that you already know how it's going to turn out. God gets the glory, your faith grows, on-lookers see aspects of God never witnessed before, and you experience God's love in new and fresh ways. Not a bad story.

I will pray you are given the strength to endure and the peace that passes all understanding.

We love you all.

Kathy : )

Anonymous said...

We are so proud of you! You have shown great courage! I love this verse:
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord will be with you, wherever you go!"
Joshia 1:9