Today she had to get an x-ray in preparation for the knee surgery in April. The picture was taken down in the x-ray department with the RN Vanessa who took care of Christen today. Also, we all met with Dr. Dormans and the nurse practioner. That was very informative, and we are feeling very comfortable with the care Christen is receiving here. The tentative date for knee surgery is April 2nd. She is resting comfortably in her room now, watching a home re-decorating show on TV. We will have to stay one more night because we need to receive training on care of the broviac central line tomorrow at 9:30 AM. After that we will be free to leave the hospital. Please pray that Christen will be comfortable during the 3 1/2 to 4 hour drive home. We look forward to getting home with all of our other children.
We are beginning to get a more detailed understanding of what we are up against over the next 9 months or so. The chemo therapy is going to present significant challenges. She will have to be admitted to the hospital for anywhere between 2 and 5 days for each chemo infusion. She will have a new infusion every 2 to 4 weeks depending on her numbers. We are planning to have the chemo administered at UVA hospital. Today we also got to see an example of the endoprosthesis device that will be put in her leg to replace her knee joint. It was actually encouraging to see the device. It is quite sturdy and looks like it will work very well. It is a huge blessing to have access to excellent medical care. Next week Dr. Dormans is arranging for Christen to meet a young woman who is now a teacher and had an endoprosthesis put in 6 or 7 years ago. The Dr. said this is her way of giving back -- to encourage others in the same situation.
Louie, Hannah, and Ruth are headed back home this afternoon.
We can't begin to tell you how much all the expressions and demonstrations of support have meant to us. We would never want to walk through this alone. You guys are truly the hands and feet of Jesus for us.
Steve & Debbie and family
How wonderful to see the picture of Christen! Thanks for posting it. We are continuing to pray...your family certainly is not in this alone. When God is for us, who can be against us?
We love you. Kurt and Jennifer and Katie
In case you've been wondering, btw, Jordan is doing wonderfully and has been no trouble whatsoever. It has been a pleasure to have him here.
Christen, you look beautiful even in a hospital gown. Someone told me today that Ted Kennedy Jr. had osteosarcoma, so I googled it and found an article from USA Today. He is now a healthcare attorney and advocate for cancer patients, and has helped launch Virtual Wellness Community an internet support group.
It's an encouraging article.
Glad you all are coming home.
We are praying for you. Thank you for these excellent updates. How wonderful to see the Lord at work in the midst of this trial. You encourage us through your trust in Him. Richard and Carol
I love you my Christen. I wish I could squeeze you. i hope to see you soon. Rebecca
I love the picture! Thank you for your updates as well. The Lash Family loves you Christen and we are praying lots and lots for you!!
Can't wait to see you again!
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