Thursday, January 24, 2008

Still wrestling with nausea

Christen's nausea is turning out to be a significant hurdle to get over. She has still felt so today, but we are making strides in understanding how to better manage it. She had Abigail, Sima, Ellie, and Sima's mother as visitors today and they each took their turn in helping Christen. Thanks to each one for taking time out of their busy day to stop by. Christen really appreciated it.

Please continue to pray that Christen will finally get over the nausea.

Steve & Debbie


jlash said...


Anonymous said...

I agree with Josiah. We will keep praying. We love you all.

Michelle said...

Christen, though we are far away, we love you and are praying for you. May God make you like a Miriam - still joyful in praise, sister. (Exodus 15!)...God has delivered you, sister - from sin, Satan and has promised you eternal life! Now that's worth celebrating! We love you and won't stop praying for you! Ben and Michelle

John and Sue Burch said...

Dear Lunsford fam - Just wanted you to know that we are continuing in prayer for Christen and your whole family. We trust that He is giving you an extra measure of assurance and love and grace as you walk through this difficult time. I have been encouraged in my Bible reading lately of many places where the Lord reminds us that He knows us! He is present with us and shields and protects us. May you know of His presence, protection and love during this time. We move to San Juan, Puerto Rico for a new ministry in a week's time - and will share with our new team there of Christen's need for prayer. Will keep in touch through your blogs. Love in Him - John and Sue Burch

Anonymous said...

Our hearts go out to you all dear family. We are here for you! MUCH better than that though, your loving Heavenly Father is there for you. You are not foraken!